In 1846 the United States was seventy years old and it was still growing in size. Many people had heard about a beautiful place called California. Some people wished for warm winters, fertile land and opportunity, so they decided to leave their homes and travel to California over the new California Trail.
George and Jacob Donner were farmers who lived in Illinois. In April 1846, they took their families and began the long journey West. James Reed, who was a wealthy business man, joined the Donners with his family. The Donner and Reed families met many other travelers on their journey to California. Lansford Hastings told several of the families about a 350-mile "shortcut" to California. The group who decided to follow Hasting's route became known as The Donner Party and their journey West is one of the most famous of all time.
Now that you have read Patty Reed's Doll, imagine that you are preparing to leave your home in Springfield, Illinois for the long journey to Sacramento, California. The journey will be long and difficult. You will need to be prepared to cross the parched desert and the treacherous Sierra Nevada mountain range. Keeping in mind all that you have learned from Patty Reed's Doll, complete the following activities in preparation for your journey.
Activity One - Packing for the Journey
You will not be traveling in a "Palace Wagon" like the Reed family. Unfortunately, you will only be able to take twelve items with you.
- Meet as a group with the other members of your wagon train to discuss the most important items for the journey. (For example, flour, salt, animal traps, money, clothes...)
- On a large piece of paper, draw and label the items you will take. Then, number them in order of importance.
- Knowing that a difficult journey lies ahead, consider which two items you would be able to sacrifice in the event of an emergency. Circle those items.
Activity Two - Planning the Journey
Look at a map of the United States. Your group will need to create a detailed plan for your journey. While planning your trip, you should answer these questions and take into consideration the following information:
- Remember that you will only be able to travel about 12 miles a day in your wagon.
- What route will you choose to take to California? Will you take Hasting's short cut?
- When will you leave Springfield? When will you expect to arrive in Sacramento?
- Keep in mind that you will want to leave at a time when there will be ample grass for your oxen, but you will want to avoid snow in the Sierra Nevada.
- What other obstacles will you face?
- Approximately how many total miles will you travel?
- If all goes as planned, approximately how many days will your journey take?
Activity Three - A Letter Home: Imagine that you have arrived safely in Sacramento.
- Write a letter to a friend in Springfield telling them about the long journey. You should tell your friend about what you saw and experienced along the way. Did everything go as planned?
- Rewrite the final draft of your letter in black ink in your neatest cursive writing. Then soak the letter in tea and let it dry. This should make your letter look old and authentic.
- Use the People of Sacramento software to find an illustration for your friend that depicts something about your journey.